+31 (0)475 46 45 06

mon - fri: 9.00 AM - 5.00 PM

Privacy & Disclaimer

This website saves general visitor information without identifying visitors individually. The purpose of this is to optimise the website and to enable the placement of more specific information on the site.

Personal data
If you request information from us via this website (e.g. by means of the contact form), the data you entered will be forwarded by email to our email address. These data are known to the designated persons within our organisation so they can ensure optimal processing and a full answer to your information request. Any personal data will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Eurobok uses services offered by Google, including Google Analytics. This program uses cookies to analyse on this website how visitors use the site. You can refuse the use of cookies. To do this, you need to adjust the (default) settings of your browser.

The greatest possible care has been taken in compiling this website. However, it is possible that certain information is incomplete or incorrect. If you have any doubts about the accuracy of certain information, contact us with your question using the contact form. Eurobok accepts no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any action (or omission) in connection with the information on this site.

Use of the site and copyright
This website contains information subject to copyright, registered trademarks and other intellectual property rights. With the exception of strictly personal use, it is not permitted to reproduce (parts of) this site or its content, to store it in an (automated) file, to make it public or to use it (in any other way) commercially in any way whatsoever without prior written permission from Eurobok.

Links to other websites
Eurobok.com features a number of links to other websites. Although these websites have been carefully selected, Eurobok is not responsible for the information on and use of these websites.